Luis Bahiana
2017-03-17 16:49:40 UTC
Se precisarem de ajuda para tradução ou versão coloco-me a disposição
2017-03-14 13:23 GMT-03:00 <talk-br-***>:
> Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para
> talk-***
> Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
> ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
> corpo da mensagem para
> talk-br-***
> Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo
> endereço
> talk-br-***
> Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
> mais especÃfica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."
> Tópicos de Hoje:
> 1. Proposal of import: Brazilian Geodetic Network
> (man_made=survey_points) (Sérgio V.)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:22:41 +0000
> From: Sérgio V. <***>
> To: "talk-***" <talk-***>
> Subject: [Talk-br] Proposal of import: Brazilian Geodetic Network
> (man_made=survey_points)
> Message-ID:
> <***@RO1P152MB0810.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Bom dia pessoal, estou preparando a proposta abaixo para o
> Por favor sintam-se livres para examinar.
> Antecipadamente obrigado.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Hello.
> I'm member of brazilian OSM users community.
> I present here for discussion, and asking approval for, the proposal for
> the import of brazilian geodetic network of survey points (SGB - Sistema
> Geodésico Brasileiro).
> Firstly, sorry if not good english. Also sorry for the technical problems
> that arose due to the size of elements in previously ill imported relation.
> This proposal was previously formally informed in brazilian talk list in
> .
> (Also this post here will be copied to brazilian talk list.)
> The discussions in Brazilian community: actually started in 6th march in
> Telegram channel of the brazilian community, where it has been carried on,
> and where we generally use to talk most (159 members, around some 80 users
> connecting daily and some 20 activelly communicating). Many members made
> remarks and suggestions about it and, after all arrangements, general
> aprovals for procedures and utility purpose.
> The purpose of this proposal: is to import the survey points published by
> the brazilian government agency for geographical data (called IBGE - (
> The source data: is all produced and published by IBGE.
> The government also publishes these data through the more general portal
> for brazilian spatial data (INDE:<
>> - Menu: Redes Geodesicas), from
> where it was dowloaded.
> About the licenses for the data: as said in previous exchange of messages
> of other brazilian OSM member with IBGE officials [1], and as stated by the
> brazilian national law for access to information (known as "LAI"), all the
> government data, including IBGE, is free for access, not even requiring to
> say what for it is intended [2] (the exceptions quoted in the law must not
> even be published by the government). IBGE officials explicitly stated, as
> in previous quoted messages, it's free for OSM purposes, for copy, sharing
> and changes, since quoting the source, and not requiring further back
> communication.
> The aim of the import: is to have all these points with their precise
> coordinates provided by the government, placed in OSM brazilian map to help
> on aligning imagery, fixing borders, found places in remote regions, etc.
> It can be objected: found no survey point in imagery on the ground.
> That's true. Many things pedestrians have mapped can't be seen on
> sattelite imagery now, like door numbers, shop names, highway signals, and
> many other small things, perhaps also fire_hidrants, etc. It usually
> resides all on local mapper's word.
> Also imagery resolution is improving constantly, so perhaps not too later
> we all can see many more things on sattelite imagery.
> Anyway, the government, through its data itself and its official reports
> of survey points, states they are there on the ground.
> As a single example: there's a survey point (a small plate) over a
> boundary_stone in the Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana triple border, reported in
> [3]. It seems not visible in imagery, nor the boundary_stone. At least I
> still haven't found it (but I'm looking for). But just seeing this
> officialy reported point in JOSM (5.2018977222<tel:(201)%20897-7222>,
> -60.7375541111)[4] indicates this triple border in OSM is currently more
> than 1km far from that official measurement, thus deserving some revision.
> Other general informations:
> -All the objects proposed to import came previously converted by IBGE in
> WGS84 format in the original downloaded shape file.
> -There will be no relation (in OSM peculiar concept for relation) to be
> stablished between these individual points.
> -Only are meant to be imported the portion of the stations classified as
> in good conditions, leaving aside the ones destructed or not found as
> quoted in the official reports. So the final total number of points to be
> imported is smaller than in the original shp.
> The proposed tags are these (english translation or meaning below in
> parenthesis):
> description=Rede Geodésica do IBGE - Estação SAT DOPPLER
> (=IBGE Geodetic Network - <6 types of station, for: SAT DOPPLER; SAT
> GPS; Polygonal; Triangulation; Elevation Reference; Permanent GNSS>); by
> these 6 types of description= station...*... the data is aimed to be also
> accessible for recalling and maintence.
> ele=* (when geometric height available)
> man_made=survey_point
> note:en=Please: do not displace the point (official coordinates)
> note=Não deslocar o ponto (coordenadas originais do IBGE)
> (almost the same as note:en, with local exortation tone)
> ref:loc=São Félix do Xingu
> (the locality where the point is, perhaps even not mapped itself)
> ref=90970
> (the particular and unique name or number of the station)
> (the original shape file)
> sourceËele = IBGE/MAPGEO2015
> (for Elevation Reference: MAPGEO2015 is the geoid model in Brazil)
> url=*
> (to access the complete official report, sometimes it has photos and
> other info that help a bit more to identify)
> The proposal is documented at:
> das_Redes_Geod%C3%A9sicas_do_IBGE
> Thank you in advance for your evaluation.
> - - - - - - - -
> [1]
> July/001981.html
> [2]
> [3] "Localização: Na parte mais alta do Monte Roraima, em território
> brasileiro...", says, "Location: In the upper part of Mount Roraima, in
> brazilian territory..." (
> bdg/pdf/relatorio.asp?L1=90128)
> [4] 05 ° 12 ' 06,8318 " N 60 ° 44 ' 15,1948 "W
> - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Sérgio -
> -------------- Próxima Parte ----------
> Um anexo em HTML foi limpo...
> URL: <
> attachments/20170314/b00f83af/attachment.html>
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Legenda do Digest
> _______________________________________________
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-***
> ------------------------------
> Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 102, assunto 24
> *********************************************
Luis Cavalcanti da Cunha Bahiana
Geógrafo : Coordenação de Geografia - IBGE
2017-03-14 13:23 GMT-03:00 <talk-br-***>:
> Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para
> talk-***
> Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
> ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
> corpo da mensagem para
> talk-br-***
> Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo
> endereço
> talk-br-***
> Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
> mais especÃfica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."
> Tópicos de Hoje:
> 1. Proposal of import: Brazilian Geodetic Network
> (man_made=survey_points) (Sérgio V.)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:22:41 +0000
> From: Sérgio V. <***>
> To: "talk-***" <talk-***>
> Subject: [Talk-br] Proposal of import: Brazilian Geodetic Network
> (man_made=survey_points)
> Message-ID:
> <***@RO1P152MB0810.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Bom dia pessoal, estou preparando a proposta abaixo para o
> Por favor sintam-se livres para examinar.
> Antecipadamente obrigado.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Hello.
> I'm member of brazilian OSM users community.
> I present here for discussion, and asking approval for, the proposal for
> the import of brazilian geodetic network of survey points (SGB - Sistema
> Geodésico Brasileiro).
> Firstly, sorry if not good english. Also sorry for the technical problems
> that arose due to the size of elements in previously ill imported relation.
> This proposal was previously formally informed in brazilian talk list in
> .
> (Also this post here will be copied to brazilian talk list.)
> The discussions in Brazilian community: actually started in 6th march in
> Telegram channel of the brazilian community, where it has been carried on,
> and where we generally use to talk most (159 members, around some 80 users
> connecting daily and some 20 activelly communicating). Many members made
> remarks and suggestions about it and, after all arrangements, general
> aprovals for procedures and utility purpose.
> The purpose of this proposal: is to import the survey points published by
> the brazilian government agency for geographical data (called IBGE - (
> The source data: is all produced and published by IBGE.
> The government also publishes these data through the more general portal
> for brazilian spatial data (INDE:<
>> - Menu: Redes Geodesicas), from
> where it was dowloaded.
> About the licenses for the data: as said in previous exchange of messages
> of other brazilian OSM member with IBGE officials [1], and as stated by the
> brazilian national law for access to information (known as "LAI"), all the
> government data, including IBGE, is free for access, not even requiring to
> say what for it is intended [2] (the exceptions quoted in the law must not
> even be published by the government). IBGE officials explicitly stated, as
> in previous quoted messages, it's free for OSM purposes, for copy, sharing
> and changes, since quoting the source, and not requiring further back
> communication.
> The aim of the import: is to have all these points with their precise
> coordinates provided by the government, placed in OSM brazilian map to help
> on aligning imagery, fixing borders, found places in remote regions, etc.
> It can be objected: found no survey point in imagery on the ground.
> That's true. Many things pedestrians have mapped can't be seen on
> sattelite imagery now, like door numbers, shop names, highway signals, and
> many other small things, perhaps also fire_hidrants, etc. It usually
> resides all on local mapper's word.
> Also imagery resolution is improving constantly, so perhaps not too later
> we all can see many more things on sattelite imagery.
> Anyway, the government, through its data itself and its official reports
> of survey points, states they are there on the ground.
> As a single example: there's a survey point (a small plate) over a
> boundary_stone in the Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana triple border, reported in
> [3]. It seems not visible in imagery, nor the boundary_stone. At least I
> still haven't found it (but I'm looking for). But just seeing this
> officialy reported point in JOSM (5.2018977222<tel:(201)%20897-7222>,
> -60.7375541111)[4] indicates this triple border in OSM is currently more
> than 1km far from that official measurement, thus deserving some revision.
> Other general informations:
> -All the objects proposed to import came previously converted by IBGE in
> WGS84 format in the original downloaded shape file.
> -There will be no relation (in OSM peculiar concept for relation) to be
> stablished between these individual points.
> -Only are meant to be imported the portion of the stations classified as
> in good conditions, leaving aside the ones destructed or not found as
> quoted in the official reports. So the final total number of points to be
> imported is smaller than in the original shp.
> The proposed tags are these (english translation or meaning below in
> parenthesis):
> description=Rede Geodésica do IBGE - Estação SAT DOPPLER
> (=IBGE Geodetic Network - <6 types of station, for: SAT DOPPLER; SAT
> GPS; Polygonal; Triangulation; Elevation Reference; Permanent GNSS>); by
> these 6 types of description= station...*... the data is aimed to be also
> accessible for recalling and maintence.
> ele=* (when geometric height available)
> man_made=survey_point
> note:en=Please: do not displace the point (official coordinates)
> note=Não deslocar o ponto (coordenadas originais do IBGE)
> (almost the same as note:en, with local exortation tone)
> ref:loc=São Félix do Xingu
> (the locality where the point is, perhaps even not mapped itself)
> ref=90970
> (the particular and unique name or number of the station)
> (the original shape file)
> sourceËele = IBGE/MAPGEO2015
> (for Elevation Reference: MAPGEO2015 is the geoid model in Brazil)
> url=*
> (to access the complete official report, sometimes it has photos and
> other info that help a bit more to identify)
> The proposal is documented at:
> das_Redes_Geod%C3%A9sicas_do_IBGE
> Thank you in advance for your evaluation.
> - - - - - - - -
> [1]
> July/001981.html
> [2]
> [3] "Localização: Na parte mais alta do Monte Roraima, em território
> brasileiro...", says, "Location: In the upper part of Mount Roraima, in
> brazilian territory..." (
> bdg/pdf/relatorio.asp?L1=90128)
> [4] 05 ° 12 ' 06,8318 " N 60 ° 44 ' 15,1948 "W
> - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Sérgio -
> -------------- Próxima Parte ----------
> Um anexo em HTML foi limpo...
> URL: <
> attachments/20170314/b00f83af/attachment.html>
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Legenda do Digest
> _______________________________________________
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-***
> ------------------------------
> Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 102, assunto 24
> *********************************************
Luis Cavalcanti da Cunha Bahiana
Geógrafo : Coordenação de Geografia - IBGE